with the passing of Steve Albini some 7 days ago, you’d think I would have more than enough time to prepare an appropriate tribute program and that was what I reckoned, as well. That is until, my plans to play Sockeye’s “Steve Albini Fucked Pac Man” 50 times in a row sans commentary were scuttled by Sockeye’s representatives. It seems the most consecutive plays of the song in question they would allow is 40 and I’m sorry, but I’m not the sort of person to compromise.

So I cobbled something else together. Chances are there’s two sides to this story (not the one about Sockeye lowering the boom, the one about Pac Mac) but that’s why there are so many other radio programs doing a dedicated and deserved look-back.

Also, I picked out songs by Crain and Jack O’ Nuts that didn’t make it here because I was so distracted by the DM’s from Sockeye’s lawyer. I could say, “tune in next time”, but there won’t be a next episode like this one so just pretend you’re listening to Crain during whatever 3-4 minute portion you dislike the most (perhaps the parts where I’m talking)

photo by Cássio Abreu

Magnolia Electric Co. – Hope Dies Last
18th Dye – Only Burn
The Ex – 3:45am
Stinking Lizaveta – Tempation
Scrawl – Clock Song
This Moment In Black History – Larry Pulled A Knife On Jesus
McClusky – Clique Application Form
Loraxx – Dusters
Big Black – The Ugly American
UT – Wailhouse
Oxbow – The Last Good Time
Silkworm – Couldn’t You Wait?
The New Year – Alter Ego
Nina Nastasia – This Is What it is
Shellac – Steady As She Goes
Robbie Fulks – America Is a Hard Religion
A Minor Forest – Perform The Critical Straw Transfer
The Great Unraveling – Alien Landscape
Engine Kid – Treasure Chest
Big Black – He’s A Whore
Dirty Three – Authentic Celestial Music
Bottomless Pit – Sacred Trench
Tar – Viaduct Removal
Shellac – Spoke
Just Ducky – New Metro Stomp
Alison Chesley, Steve Albini, Tim Midyett – XVI Dry