Yankees 8, Tigers 4

Give Derek Jeter all the credit you want for a typically All-Universe moment on a big stage, but for my taste, Fox didn’t provide nearly enough shots of A-Rod applauding from the top step of the dugout.

The all-new, one-inning-only Mariano Rivera should prove to be solid enough, presuming the Yankees can main a lead ’til the 9th. Detroit proved more resilient than I’d have thought after falling behind, 5-0, but after watching Jeter, Giambi and Bobby Abreu punish the Tigers…where is the weak spot in the Yankee batting order? Other than hitting 6th, I mean.

It was really a terrible decision on the part of Fox to let those yahoos from Joe Buck’s Holiday Inn commercial visit the booth. Even if you thought the bucket of cold water being poured over Tim McCarver was funny, at least admit the whole gang could’ve been electrocuted.

As it turns out, Tony La Russa — routinely mocked in this space — was pretty savvy in keeping Chris Carpenter out of what turned out to be a meaningless game against the Brewers on Sunday. And there’s always the routine genius of writing Albert Pujols’ name on the lineup card whenever he’s healthy.

Condolences to Metal Mike, whose muff of a 4th inning Prince Albert pop foul gave the Cards’ slugger another chance to send Jake Peavy to the moon. You won’t catch Dream Theatre playing Peavey Amps, but that’s precisely the sort of thing Mike needs to disregard in the middle of an important game.