Since Curt Schilling is downright eager get on some Curt-Schilling-has-an-opinion shit over at his blog, then there’s probably nothing that strange about Chipper Jones’ decision to jump into the comments thread of this Atlanta Journal-Constitution article by David O’Brien. Although while Schilling continues to offer his opinions (on everything) on his own doofy terms and under his own name, Larry decided that his move would be to adopt the handle “U Know Who” and play it mysterioso.

Well, kind of. He made it about halfway through his first comment before lapsing into the first-person singular — “Pretty tired of everyone saying that I™m injury proned,” he writes, “though I guess I™ll just have to go out and play 150 games to shut em up.” — then caps his first comment by announcing that “DOB really is a douchebag!” LOL PWNED!

Metsblog’s Matt Cerrone recaps the highlights of the ensuing conversation here, but if you were wondering where Chipper stood on hunting…

I™m a big bow hunter. I love deer hunting more than the others. I will hunt ducks, dove and quail a few times a year but that is not my passion. I don™t get a chance to hunt turkeys because of baseball. I love to fish during spring training. I grew up about 10 miles from the self proclaimed bass fishing capital of the world, so a lot of my childhood was spent hunting deer and fishing.

Or Valentine’s Day…

Girls like the romance. Whatever u do, it better be original. Flowers and candy are nice, but every woman loves the bling. At least that™s what I™ve experienced. But what do I know, I haven™t had the best luck with the ladies.

Or how good his Spanish is…

I know enough spanish to know what the guys are talking about. Yunel knows exactly what I™m saying.

…then consider yourself free to wonder about something more important.