Things aren’t always as they first appear. For instance, not only has Mario Williams turned out to be slightly more valuable than Reggie Bush a total bust, he might someday (next week?) have successfully morphed into the second coming of Lawrence Taylor. And just because it was widely reported yesterday that Dolphins owner Wayne Huzienga was looking to get-the-fuck-out-of-dodge, well, that might not be the case either. And it’s hard to know who to trust in this instance — the guy who makes Gallo’s films so hard to find at CockBlockbuster or the hardworking free press. From The CP :

Miami Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga said he’s “not actively looking to sell” the team despite frustration over a winless season, but he confirms talking with potential buyers since April.

Huizenga issued a statement Saturday in response to reports he is discussing the sale of his franchise and Dolphin Stadium to two real estate developers.

“Over the years I have fielded a number of inquiries from individuals interested in investing in the team,” said Huizenga, who become sole owner of the Dolphins in 1994. “Most recently, we have had conversations dating back to April, with several similarly interested parties.

“My viewpoint, however, has always been the same. I am not actively looking to sell the Miami Dolphins, but I know there will always be individuals who are interested in becoming involved in some capacity in the team’s ownership.”

Huizenga recently discussed a potential deal with Miami developer Jorge Perez and business partner Stephen Ross, a New York builder.

Which essentially means, the Dolphins aren’t for sale. Until someone makes an attractive enough offer. Seriously, when and if this creep does cash in, then and only then will it be appropriate for Bob Griese and Mercury Morris to bust out the champagne.