It’s gonna take one hell of a Tampa comeback for victory no. 12 to elude Josh Beckett this evening. The Red Sox hold a 13-3 advantage at Fenway through 5 innings, and not only has the long suffering Julio Lugo knocked in a pair ofor the 2nd time in 3 days, but the quartet of Manny, Papi, Lowell and ‘Tek have scored a combined 11 runs.

So with all that firepower, why, pray tell, do the Red Sox need to enter into a strategic alliance with the Chiba Lotte Marines?

Aside from all of the scouting and marketing possibilities, I suspect hooking up with Bobby Valentine’s club might provide the Red Sox with a valuable tip or 2 when it comes to community outreach. I realize they’re practically printing money at Fenway these days, but when was the last time local college and high school students got together for a competition to determine who could paint the finest water color portrait of Tito?

Where he available for comment, I’m sure “Spinal Tap” fan Larry Lucchino could remind us that Boston’s not much of a college town.