As the Curt Schilling Relief Experiment continues to yield disappointing results for the Red Sox, Boston starter David Wells shared his deepest thoughts with the St. Petersburg Times’ Marc Topkin on the subject of Tampa Bay manager Lou Piniella.

“They’ve got a lot of young guys, and I think that a lot of those guys are petrified of Lou over there,” Wells (above) said. “Lou is a tough guy to get along with, from what I hear. I’ve never played for him, but I’ve seen what he does; he goes out there, I’ve seen him yell at a lot of guys. I talk to guys when they’ve left and been on other teams, and they say it’s really hard because he’s tough on the young guys.

“I think Lou needs to chill out and give these guys opportunities instead of criticizing them. Give them props and work with them, get somebody that can do it. They’ve got some tremendous arms over there. They’ve got some live arms, and they’ve got guys that can do it. But when you’re under pressure like that all the time, it’s hard to pitch.”

Wells is the second Red Sox pitcher to criticize Piniella this season. Curt Schilling blasted him on an April radio show, saying, among other things, Piniella “somehow forgot how the game is played.”