…just tell the judge you were watching Kyle Kendrick pitch. No sensible court in the world will convict you. “Let’s hope this doesn’t become a trend,” writes Rog, forwarding a WCBS TV report concerning a 21 year old man charged with intentionally vomiting on an 11 year old girl during Wednesday’s Phillies/Nationals tilt.

Matthew Clemmens of Cherry Hill, N.J., was arraigned early Friday morning on charges stemming from an incident during Wednesday night’s game.

Police say Clemmens began trying to make himself vomit on an off-duty police captain and his family after a companion was removed from the stadium for unruly behavior.

Easton police Capt. Michael Vangelo says he saw Clemmens put his fingers down his throat and throw up, hitting Vangelo and his 11-year-old daughter.

Philadelphia police say Clemmens also punched Vangelo and vomited on an arresting officer.