1) Endless Boogie, Thursday afternoon at Max Fish.  Your editor used to live in a tiny closet  above this bar.  The old, ‘well, I’ve got a huge living room downstairs” line worked slightly more often then, “well, I’ve got a room upstairs.”  Back in the mid ’90’s when he wasn’t beating the skins for a far less heralded Ludlow St. rock band (or watching NY Giants exhibition games when he should’ve been onstage), E.B. drummer Harry Druzd was slinging drinks in this very tavern.  For one afternoon, anyway, the vibe was awfully familiar at the Fish, though I’m certain the influx of NYU kids and the more-money-than-brains crowd filled the room to capacity many hours later (which, to be honest, was exactly the sort of thing some of us were bitching about on the weekends 17 years ago).

2) How many people do you know who were the subject of a Solex song?  Pittsburgh’s Randy Costanza, ladies & gentlemen, shown here at the WFMU Record Fair paying tribute to an era in which the Pittsburgh Steelers’ starting QB had more Super Bowl rings than rape accusations (apologies to Randy, who didn’t know I was gonna come up with this caption)

3) Randy says, “hey, you like sports, right?” Well, I used too….

4) As seen at the WFMU Record Fair, The Offense Newsletter, Jan. 29, 1988. TKA always had great taste and he was smart enough to recognize the burgeoning genius of the Leeds-based Dustdevils long before certain NYC dilettantes hopped on the background.

5) (New Era Flagship Store, West 4th St.)  Since I’m OLDER THAN DIRT, I have no idea what this cap is supposed to mean.  However, since I’m a Jewish-American, I’ll just guess the worst and declare that I support the message, however crude.