From the Boston Herald’s Dave Wedge.

He™s taken on some of the toughest men in the National Football League and easily handles blubbering sports-talk blowhards, but Fred Smerlas is now considering an even bigger challenge: Congress.

The ex-Buffalo Bill and Boston College defensive lineman has been approached by prominent Republicans about making a run for the seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Martin T. Meehan (D-Lowell).

Smerlas, who co-hosts WEEI™s œBig Show with Glenn Ordway and runs a promotions business, says he™s giving a career in Washington, D.C., serious thought

œWe™re on the radio and we joke around and have fun but at some point you have to put your best foot forward, Smerlas said. œPeople talk about making a difference in the community, but no one ever takes the step. I™m kicking it around.

Smerlas, 49, was a five-time Pro Bowl lineman who also played for the New England Patriots [team stats]. He said the Republicans he met with also floated the idea of his radio sidekick, Steve DeOssie, running if Smerlas opts not to jump in the race. DeOssie, a BC grad and former Patriots linebacker, lives in the district in North Andover. In addition to co-hosting on WEEI 850-AM together, the two ex-NFLers recently opened a steakhouse at Rhode Island™s Lincoln Park slot palace.

œI said, ˜DeOssie, if you run I™ll be your campaign manager and we™ll pounce on the other guys™ and vice-versa, Smerlas said.

œWe™re talking this week and we™ll make a decision next week, Smerlas said. œCan you imagine us two going down to Washington to Congress in sweatpants and sneakers?

About as easily as I can envision Mike Golic as the Secretary General Of The United Nations.