…and snub Tony Rolletti.

From the Alameda Times-Star’s Andrew Baggerly.

Ned Colletti, one of the most integral members of the Giants front office, will be introduced as the Dodgers’ general manager in a news conference Wednesday, ANG newspapers has learned.

A high-ranking industry source confirmed that Dodgers owner Frank McCourt offered the position to Colletti after a series of follow-up interviews Monday and Tuesday. Colletti was selected over current Dodgers assistant GM Kim Ng, who had become the first woman to interviewfor a major league GM position.

The hiring represents a huge loss for the Giants and GM Brian Sabean, who gave Colletti a remarkable amount of autonomy for an assistant GM and relied heavily on his skills as a contract negotiator.

Colletti established himself as an elite negotiator, often constructing deals that allowed the Giants to add top-quality free agents despite a limited budget. This past winter, Colletti negotiated back-loaded deals that allowed the Giants to sign catcher Mike Matheny, closer Armando Benitez and shortstop Omar Vizquel. In more recent years, Colletti also was allowed to pursue trades, and was the driving force behind the highly successful deal that brought Randy Winn to the Giants in July.