Don Poier, longtime radio voice of the Memphis and Vancouver Grizzlies, and a fixture on the Pacific Northwest broadcasting scene for the past two decades, passed away Friday afternoon in Denver, just prior to the Nuggets/Grizzlies game. Initial indications are that Poier suffered a heart attack.
I still can’r believe that Don is gone. I can’t watch a game or visit the Forum without thinking of Don and his sigiture voice. He will always be a cherished part of Grizzlies history.
Don Poier aka. uncle don…will always be in my heart. I met him at my condo in semi-ah-moo and he changed my life. When some people were picking on me at school, he tried to help out as best as he could.He was there for me, and now he is gone. I think of him and still cry! His voice is always in my head, and it feels like a part of him is still with me. He changed my life and I really miss him. Barb, if you read this, please know i always think of you and I really hope your doing well. xoxo
McLean obviously had a tough upbringing, mostly at the hands of his mothers violent boyfriend Jim Irwin. Lennys grew into a tough teenage crook and after a spell in borstal took up boxing. McLean was a ferocious fighter and a mountain of a man. He travelled the country fighting in gyspy fairs and made a small fortune whilst at the same time building a terrifying reputation.