To paraphrase a popular bumper sticker, if you’re not completely appalled, well, that’s because you’re secretly aroused. Catching up with a story from last April 28, the following is from the Associated Press :
Cumberland, Md. — Six women pleaded guilty Monday to hazing for their roles in a boozy college field hockey initiation that left an 18-year-old hospitalized with a blood-alcohol level more than four times the legal limit.
The six current and former Frostburg State University field hockey players were each fined $300, given suspended 60-day jail terms and placed on a year’s probation.
The state dropped second-degree assault charges; hazing carries a maximum sentence of six months and a $500 fine.
On Dec. 3, the victims were urged to drink so much beer and liquor that one was hospitalized with a 0.365 percent blood-alcohol level, court documents showed. The freshmen also were pelted with flour, ice and eggs, and made to sit in their own vomit and urine, according to court documents.
Much the way Peter Berg’s gritty (but heart-warming) “Friday Night Lights” gave us an inside look at the hyper-competitive world of schoolboy football, surely there is a qualfied director capable of bringing this field hockey tale to the big screen?
It’s hilarious how inaccurately this was reported. No one took the time to even ask the people who were involved what actually happened, leaving those woman looking like monsters. It’s a shame what people will write.