I’m sorry the Long Island delegation of our readership had to be described in such a way, but I assure each and every one of you that CSTB is all about inclusion, and as long as you continue to support our advertisers, I’ll leave the hurtful, elitist commentary to others. Especially if it is accurare.
Gerard, they weren’t part of your crew.
Au contraire, Jeff. Everyone is part of my crew. We’re just like those people in the Fox Sports ads that run for every team in the majors (with the beginings and endings reshot to include the appropriate hats and jerseys), a big, motley mosaic of men, women and kiddies, throwing opposing home run balls back, stealing signs with binoculars and mirrors, wearing rally caps to the construction site, etc. Even after a sunny afternoon in our midst, you have completely misjudged CSTB’s demographic, while the savvy gang at Fox Sports totally nailed it. We’re All In This Together.
well, most of us are in it together. but somewhere, the fred durst impersonator who came up with all those kickin’ rhymes for last year’s slate of ‘insert your greater metropolitan area here’ fox sports commercials is crying.
that song makes “Go New York, Go New York, Go” come off like “MacArthur Park” by comparison.