First of all, I think it sucks when respected figures in the entertainment industy have a cavalier ‘tude towards domestic violence.
Other than that, in terms of leaving an enduring stamp on the musical universe, there’s only a handful of persons comparable to Ike Turner in the last 60 years. Most of ’em have been far more lionized and/or died with more dough in their checking accounts.
Truly genius funk: “A Black Man’s Soul” by Ike Turner & the Kings of Rhythm.
It’s hard for some people to accept, but Ike Turner was absolutely punished by the public he relied on to support him for his abusive actions. He did the deed, he paid the price. The books might not be even, but it’s hard to imagine his career wasn’t killed instantly by the revelations of his mindset and actions.
The same can’t be said for the aging rockers we’ve heard rumors about for years.
Perhaps I was too tough on GG, perhaps not, but being tough on them or not, I’m alive and they’re dead.
Didya see the NY Post headline?
“Ike ‘beats’ Tina to death”.
Swear to God!