Far be it for me to suggest that a program with such deep delusions of granduer as Notre Dame doesn’t have the right to fire their coach anytime they want, particularly on the heels of a 6-5 season and a national teevee humilation at the hands of Southern Cal. But just for fun, let’s ponder the following questions :
1) if 6-5 was such a blot on the school’s record, if this season fell so short of expectations, why did Notre Dame’s A.D. accept an invitation to the Insight Bowl?
2) How dull would Division One college football be if the percentage of black players equalled the current percentage of black head coaches?
3) Utah’s Urban Meyer is said to be a contender for the Notre Dame job. Is there a less urban place on earth than Utah?
I have no idea what’s next for Willingham, but perhaps he could serve as the next Director of Homeland Security, given his expertise fighting a war he couldn’t possibly win.
actually the Utah campus is in Salt Lake City, which is pretty big.
thanks, D.B., and of course, it is the birthplace of jazz.