It’s entirely possible that any number of Seattle Seahawks fans celebrated prematurely Sunday night, but Twitter user @ocashughjhazz took it to the extreme, getting the above tattoo a day prior. As the Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s Nick Eaton reports, the Kirland, WA native turned Jacksonville transplant, “wouldn’t change anything”.

“It’s been rough for me this morning,” O.C. told “I was pretty devastated last night. I fell to the ground after that interception. … I’m obviously devastated, but I had fun with it.”

“Obviously I’m gonna keep it. I already threw away the receipt,” he added, laughing. “I don’t regret getting it. It’s been a fun ride. I like to take risks.”


I realize it’s tempting to label this guy some sort of crazy uber fan, but wait ’til you seen the screenshots of the dude with the Threepeat backpiece.