I’d not been online or listened to the radio for several hours today when I heard Wayne Hagin interrupt commentary of today’s A’s/Mets tilt with the aside, “we’ll try to find out more about the Jim Riggleman situation.”  My first thought — did someone try to impress Jodie Foster by taking a shot at the Nats skipper?  Turns, there’s a few people who wouldn’t mind taking a swing at him, if nothing else. “Before the clubhouse scent even had a chance to morph from sweat and pine tar to Axe body spray and cologne,” the celebratory mood following Washington’s 1-0 defeat of Seattle turned somber, observed the Washington Post’s Dave Shenin, with the bombshell revelation Riggleman chose the day his club improved to their best record in 6 years to tender his resignation.  Of the club’s reluctance to pick up his option for the 2012 season, Riggleman explained, “”I know I’m not Casey Stengel, but I do feel like I know what I’m doing. It’s not a situation where I felt like I should continue on such a short lease.”

I’ll say this much for Riggleman ; he’s better at managing baseball teams than he is when it comes to determining his own leverage. Capitol Punishment‘s Basil asks,”Is there any way to interpret this other than that Riggleman went just completely psycho-selfish on the Nats?”

Imagine if a player did something like this! Imagine the more notable acts of a player just flate refusing to go on because of sheer selfishness — like Derek Bell’s “Operation Shutdown,” or, more comically, Gary Templeton’s “If I Ain’t Startin’, I Ain’t Departin'” episode. Riggleman’s decision strikes me as far worse. I mean, Bell sucked, and Templeton was just being a clown. Riggleman’s persona was, purportedly, as a leader of men. Right.

Managers resign their positions fairly routinely, sometimes for reasons that appear inexplicable. Remember when Mike Hargrove resigned right in the middle of a surprisingly strong season for the Mariners. That was weird, but apparently Grover was burning out. I’m sure more details will emerge here, but, as it stands now, Riggleman comes across as just brazenly selfish.