• Ohio State’s only undergrad with a National Championship on his resume http://bit.ly/cH6eDx #

  • Damon’s earned more than $100 million. Semi-shocking, but he was a better value than Glenn Robinson RE: http://bit.ly/bbWWAO #
  • RT @randballsstu: Sergio Kindle fell down two flights of stairs, breaking the Big 12 record for anyone not dating Lawrence Phillips. #
  • the glamorous life RT @Adam_Schefter: Another Longest Yard royalty check — $20.45. Cha-ching! #
  • RT @HoZacRecords Woven Bones live video w/2 new tracks: Insound Studios Sessions!! http://tumblr.com/xqfe9f1n4 #
  • Calcaterra blames sagging Red Sox TV ratings on fan entitlement. I’d have said the plethora of 3D movies http://bit.ly/d4afqa #
  • McCarver haters put it all in perspective if forced to hear Eric Karros’ analysis http://bit.ly/bVbCaX #
  • Madison Sq. Garden : come for the Eddy Curry Suppression Ring, stay for the rat shit http://es.pn/aESYku #
  • Heyman floats Hojo “reassignment ” http://bit.ly/8YIJoj #
  • and they say Adam Dunn doesn’t like baseball ! http://youtu.be/c0MAydZ0o-8 (link swiped from @kevin_reiss) #

  • to repeat an earlier tweet, OF COURSE Jerry’s safe. How can Omar fire Manuel without resigning? RE http://bit.ly/a6UUA5 #
  • despite storylines dealing heavily w/ alcoholism, FX’s “Rescue Me” is brought to you by Bud Lite. HERE WE GO #
  • in honor of Dez refusing to carry Roy Williams’ pads http://youtu.be/nBRIbVKBML0 #
  • no mention of Wally being kicked upstairs. Can you imagine the background check? RE http://bit.ly/9i73z6 #
  • Valentine on La Russa batting the pitcher 8th ; “everytime he did it against me, I thanked him” #