Much as I’d rather be discussing Da Bulls’ opening night evisceration of Miami, there’s something far more thrilling to contend with. Namely, Shaquille O’Neal’s penis.

Today, The Big Lead challenges the veracity of Jim Caple’s recent claim that during Shaq’s tenure with Orlando, the Diesel once slapped a prominent female journalist in the face with his cock.

While I doubt Lisa Olsen will be chiming in on this subject, and regardless of whether or not Caple was quoted accurately, how come we hear so little about Mike Lupica, Bob Klapisch, TJ Simers or Bob Ryan taking a dick in the mouth? Jim Murray? Grantland Rice? Red Smith?

For a lady human, climbing the ladder in the sports journalism trade is probably no picnic when the persons doing the hiring and firing are predominately dudes. Aside from the dick-swinging climate of the locker room, it’s also probably not the easiest of tasks when some portion of the nudge-nudge wink-wink readership believes calling someone else a woman is the lowest of insults (either that, or it’s the best they can come up with).