Would you expect the Yankees and Mets to share a ballpark? The Cubs and the White Sox? The Jets and Giants? OK, never mind. But Liverpool and Everton won’t be shacking up anytime soon, either, reports the Times Online :

Liverpool and Everton will definitely not share a stadium, it was confirmed today.

The local authority and the North West Development Agency, a regeneration body, had suggested the clubs share Liverpool’s planned new £120 million stadium just yards from their current Anfield home in Stanley Park (above). But although they met Sports Minister Richard Caborn last month, neither club ever displayed a great enthusiasm for the idea.

A spokesman for Liverpool City Council today said both clubs had formally rejected the proposal. He said: “It is disappointing both sides have been unable to reach agreement on a joint stadium. However, the existing plan for a new Anfield is part of a major regeneration of the Anfield-Breckfield area and we fully intend to help deliver that because of the economic benefits it will bring to an area that badly needs them.

“Of course, we will also do everything we can to help Everton find a 21st century solution for the club and its fans.”

Peter Kilfoyle, the Liverpool Walton MP who helped to broker talks between the clubs and Mr Caborn, said: “It is not really surprising. There was never much enthusiasm for the idea. Liverpool was well down the track with its own plans and Everton was struggling to raise the money needed.”