On the possible list of demands, broadband and cable added inside the Green Monster. From the Boston Herald’s Michael Silverman.

In the latest episode of the long-running comedy/drama “Manny being Manny,” the Red Sox’ goofy, unpredictable and prolific slugger wants to sit down with the front office next month for a give-and-take session about the club’s future, according to a source close to Ramirez who was authorized by the player to speak for him yesterday.

“I get the feeling that he wants to stay in Boston, but I also get the feeling that he wants to know what the direction of the team is going to be,” said the source, who’s been in daily contact with Ramirez since the season ended Friday. “They still have to address the (general manager) Theo (Epstein) situation (his contract expires Oct. 31), they have all the free agents to decide on. There are issues. He wants to sit down and get a feel for where the team is headed. Manny wants the team to get better, and he is concerned.”

How would Ramirez react if he heard something he did not want to hear or if he couldn’t get a precise answer regarding his concerns? The source said there was no reason to suspect that Ramirez would use information from a meeting as the basis to suddenly request that the club pursue a deal that would get him out of town.

“They may have already made conscious decisions to let some players go, they may say that they’re trying to bring somebody back,” the source said. “Manny just wants to be able to give his opinion on certain things. He’s an important part of the team, and like any star player on the team, he at least wants to know what they’re planning.”