The Huffington Post reports former Sun-Times sports columnist Jay Mariotti — he of the recent domestic violence charges — has resorted to Twitter to let the world know he’s, y’know, unemployed.
In one tweet, the user @JayMariotti announced the end of his career as a regular columnist. “Column writing has been a labor of love for 25 years, allowing me to see the world and cover some of the greatest athletes and events in sports. But it’s time to step back from the daily sportswriting grind and focus on my other media ventures, including a book project,” he wrote.
He also wrote a tweet about his employer since 2009. “I express deep gratitude to AOL for a fun, productive experience. I wish the talented staff at nothing but the best in the competitive Internet world,” the user tweeted.
While @JayMariotti is not a confirmed account, its authenticity is supported by sportswriter J.A. Adande, and Jason Whitlock confirmed that Mariotti will no longer be writing for AOL.
GC, in light of Tony Curtis’ passing last week, I just want to commend you on your tastefully leaving out CSTB’s usual Curtis/Mariotti photo reference. Well done.