(stereotypes be damned, the Algonquin Round Table had nothing on these folks)
No. 4 West Virginia travels to Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium later today to take on East Carolina, and while Jude from We Must Ignite This Couch penned a preview to said clash, I’d prefer to hop in the time machine and review his comments prior to the Mountaineers’ win over Maryland 9 days ago.
In my encounters with Maryland fans (which has included quietly sitting in the Maryland section twice in away games and once at the Gator Bowl, as well as run-ins with fans in the Morgantown games), it seems like they are more willing to fall back on the same tired, generalized stereotypes that West Virginians face everywhere. Want an example? Last year, I bought two tickets to UM/WVU on ebay. Great seats, but I was in the Maryland section wearing WVU shit. No biggie to me. As the game goes on, the two guys in front of me continuously rag me about being from West Virginia, culminating in a œWhy don™t you go back to your trailer and f*@# your sister comment which was immediately followed with my obnoxious laughter while pointing at the scoreboard, which now had WVU winning comfortably.
Every Maryland fan I™ve ever encountered in my extensive dealings with them has made at least one or two comments of this variety, inevitably bringing up the stereotypes of our State as if it was a trump card to any discussion based on a completely unrelated subject- football.
Never mind the fact that I live all of 6 minutes from the border of Maryland, and I seriously doubt the socioeconomic status changes all that drastically over the course of those 6 miles, I just wonder why the arrogance is so THICK coming from the other side of the Potomac.
As a Maryland native and Terps fan, I must admit everything he says is true. In MD you turn pretty much any incest, white trash and polock joke into a jab at West Virginians. Generally these work pretty well. I would think though, that the student section at Comcast threatening to rape JJ. Reddick’s sister, is slightly higher on the list of offensive things overheard at sporting events. Us old-line-staters are all class.