From the Bergen Record’s John Brennan.

SportsNet New York, the new Mets-owned television channel, will debut March 16, SNY officials announced Monday.

Last year the Mets left Cablevision-owned Madison Square Garden Network and Fox Sports New York to launch their version of the Yankees’ YES Network. While YES focuses most of its professional sports programming on the Yankees, SNY President Jon Litner said that his channel “will provide viewers with in-depth coverage and unparalleled access to all teams and events important to New York sports fans.”

SNY spokesman Andrew Fegyveresi said that the channel was in “ongoing discussions” with Cablevision to try to finalize a deal that would allow the channel to be seen by Cablevision’s 3 million viewers in the New York region. SNY will air at least 125 of the Mets’ 162 regular-season games annually.

“We expect to be fully distributed by the time we launch in March,” Fegyveresi said.