Geez, how many days off would a win against Iran be worth?

From the AP via

The Naval Academy canceled classes Monday, giving the 4,400 midshipmen another day to celebrate the football team’s first victory over Notre Dame in 44 tries…

“We are all proud of our Navy football team for beating Notre Dame in South Bend for the first time in 43 years!” Vice Admiral Jeffrey Fowler, the academy’s superintendent, said in an e-mail to The (Annapolis) Capital. “We are all part of history because of this victory.”

Fowler said Navy won because its practices are more intense than the games. The Midshipmen also overcame injured players and mistakes, he said.

The celebrations began in earnest late Saturday in Annapolis when the team bus pulled in. The academy gave plebes, or freshmen, free time Sunday from noon to 10 p.m., instead of a regular study period. Upperclassmen were given liberty until 4 p.m. Monday, allowing them to sleep in, study or just enjoy the victory.

The city of Annapolis has tentatively scheduled a celebration rally Wednesday afternoon, city spokesman Ray Weaver said.