….as the Suns trainers couldn’t stop the bleeding. Which reminds me, Mr. Harvey, nice headline, but a slight shame you couldn’t get through the article with a gratuitious swipe at Dallas’ Owner With A Boner (those San Antonians really know how to hold a grudge).
Even if the Spurs/Suns Western Conference Semis got off to a start only Eva Longoria Herschel Gordon Lewis could love, not for the last first or last time, I’ve to give it up to San Antonio’s Greg Popovich. Though he might be somewhere to the right of Dick Army, as of right this moment, there’s no reason to believe the Spurs can’t win their 4th ring in 8 seasons. There was nothing flukey about taking a game in Phoenix this time of year, just as Tim Duncan’s performance at both ends of the floor (33 points, 16 rebounds) was nothing short of exceptional.
If you thought the Nash/Tony Parker collision had a gruesome result, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Where is the team MD of the Phoenix Suns when he was needed to stop the nose cut bleeding on Nash? Obviously the team trainer was not able to handle it very well, and is not a boxing cut-man.
Nash might need an Eva Longoria-type, like Parker who has no problem with blood flowing all over his body, if you know what I mean!
“There’s no reason to believe the Spurs can’t win their 3rd ring in 8 seaons”?Do the math GC.