Though I’m aware that lovers of world class entertainment are counting the minutes until Tuesday morning, at which time Spoon’s new album, ‘Gimmie Fiction’ is released, said persons with good taste can also rejoice in the knowledge that they’re getting Christmas twice in two days. Neil Diamond (above) will appear on Ellen DeGeneres’ chat show this Monday, May 9, so you might want to consider purchasing a new HD TV set at Best Buy while putting down a deposit on the Spoon CD. (If you’d rather support an independent music retailer, that’s totally cool, just be advised that few of them sell TV sets and Neil isn’t going to look or sound nearly as hot in bog-standard Low Def).

The ownership, management, staff and long-suffering interns at CSTB would like to wish Johan Kugelberg a very happy 40th birthday. Kugelberg, a noted gourmet, musicologist, producer, author, fashion-plate and family man has long been an inspiration to this correspondent. Keeping in mind that America’s prisons are very overcrowded, I’ll not say what he inspired me to do, nor do I wish to cast a cloud on what should be a celebratory weekend for all.