A mere week after Cowboys coach Wade Phillips denied diminishing New England’s achivements in a conversation with Peter King (above), upcoming Pats opponent Jason Taylor has a similar bone to pick with HBO’s ever-modest football observer. From the Miami Herald’s Barry Jackson.

Dolphins defensive end Jason Taylor said through a team spokesman on Thursday that he never told HBO’s Peter King that it would be best if he’s traded to a contender during the offseason.

On this week’s Inside the NFL, King said he asked Taylor on Wednesday if he’s sorry that he wasn’t dealt before Tuesday’s trade deadline. ‘He said, `You’re putting me in a tough spot here,’ ” King said. ‘ `I’ve had 10 great years here. I owe a lot to the Dolphins.’ ”

But King also said, “Clearly, Jason Taylor thinks not only would it be in the team’s best interests for him to go in the offseason, but it would be in his best interests to go to a contender in the offseason for the last couple of years of his career.”

In a conference call with Patriots writers this week, Taylor said, “In the offseason I don’t know what direction the team is going to go and there may come a time when they’re done with me. At that point, I’ll have to address that and look elsewhere . . .”

PFT links to comments by Channing Crowder in which the Fins LB objects to New England being favored by 18 points on Sunday. “”I don’t think the team’s that much better than us,” insists Crowder, a recent graduation from the Eric Brynes School Of Self Realization.