(you don’t often see this kind of affection expressed in public, not without someone winning a free taco)

As scapegoats go, Cleveland’s 3rd base coach is a slightly more timely choice than Chris Benoit Paul Byrd. But make no mistake, despite being handicapped by baseball’s 2nd highest payroll, the effervescent presence of JD Drew and the best efforts of Eric Gagne, Boston captured their 2nd AL title in 4 seasons in impressive form. Though not quite the wild ALCS comeback of ’04, the bludgeoning of the Tribe following Manny Ramirez’ “it’s not the end of the world” remarks speaks to both the character of the ballclub…and perhaps how they shouldn’t have ever faced elimination in this series to begin with.

Though this is hardly a profound observation, it should be noted this is a period of unprecedented prosperity for Boston sports. Along with the Red Sox returning the World Series, the Patriots continue to run up the score humble the opposition on a weekly basis, BC sits at no. 2 in the BCS standings, Foxboro’s MLS entry are back in the playoffs, and apparently the local basketball squad has added an OK player or two.

In short, if there’s anyone out there having a shittier Monday morning than Joel Skinner, Paul Byrd or Eric Wedge, it’s Jeremy Jacobs.