From the NY Daily News’ Adam Rubin :

Mike Piazza – who was expected to sit yesterday even if the incident had not occurred – apparently hasn’t let go of the anger toward Tavarez and the Cardinals, even after conversations with manager Tony La Russa and former Mets teammate Jason Isringhausen. Asked if ill feelings remained, Piazza fiddled in his locker and offered, “Umm … no comment.”

Pedro Martinez indicated during spring training he would be willing to use deadly force to protect Piazza. He deemed that unnecessary yesterday.

Martinez, known to hit a batter on occasion, had no desire to escalate any hostility with the Cardinals yestereday. In fact, the ace pronounced the case closed once Aaron Heilman hit David Eckstein in the left thigh with a pitch a half-inning later.

“Nothing happened in my game,” Martinez said. “It wasn’t my duty to do it today. We did it obviously yesterday, it looked like protecting Mike the best way possible. … But I do take pride in protecting.”