Though his Tuesday column adds little to what Phil Mushnick has already written about the hysterical reaction of Yankee broadcasters to Randy Johnson’s ejection from last Friday night’s game with Toronto, the Daily News’ Bob Raissman still manages a nice, if somewhat gratuitious jab at John Sterling.

As soon as Culbreth tossed Johnson, Sterling, reacting as if he had just been demoted to voice of the Staten Island Yankees, screamed: “You can’t do that. This is a pennant race game. … This is a disgrace. This is disgraceful.”

Sterling said Culbreth should have shown “restraint” and just “walked away.” Of course, as was the case on TV, he never mentioned what happened in the first inning, when Culbreth admonished Johnson after the Unit complained following a pitch to Vernon Wells.

Instead, Sterling wondered: “What possibly could Johnson have said? What could he have said?”

Don’t know. How about something like: “It is high … It is far … It is caught in front of the warning track.”