Sid Griffin might’ve been thinking about the late Tim Hardin, but I doubt he woke up this morning thinking of Omar Minaya making a play for Rich Harden. From the New York Post’s Joel Sherman.

A™s GM Billy Beane has always thought highly of Aaron Heilman and Lastings Milledge, and that was the package that was necessary if the Mets wanted to obtain Barry Zito during last season. But Zito was in his walk year. Beane knew he was going to lose him for nothing at the end of the year, and still wanted that substantial package.

Harden, on the other hand, is 25. He is signed to a terrific contract, due just $13.5 million over the next three years. To move a pitcher that young, that talented and that affordable, it would seem to me that the Mets would have to give up way more than Heilman and Milledge. And as you start adding a Phil Humber or Mike Pelfrey type to these discussions, you have to wonder if it is worth it, no matter how special Harden might be.

You especially have to worry because Harden might be Mark Prior or Ben Sheets, top talents, who just cannot stay healthier enough to fully excel. In fact, if the sly Beane is even considering moving Harden, that would raise red flags to me.

The Banks Of The Anacostia doesn’t make much of the rumored three-way deal involving Manny Being Manny, Ervin Santana and flat-capped Chad Cordero.

If Bowden couldn’t sustain interest in a deal for Noah Lowry, why does he think that the Angels will be willing to part with the younger and arguably more talented Santana? I have little doubt that JimBo himself is the source of most of the rumors making the rounds in Orlando. This is the same man who seriously proposed Michael Hinckley for Lastings Milledge (later reportedly “upgraded” to J-Patt for Milledge). Of course, if we could somehow turn Cordero into Santana, I’d lead the parade down South Capitol Street. I’m doubtful that this happens though.