Norman Chad has already described his move from Rolling Rock to Shiner as “among the seven or eight monumental mistakes I™ve made in my tortured adult life.” Hot Shit College Student surveys Norm’s new choice and opines, “Chad is a fucking drooling idiot.”
It’s Pabst Blue Ribbon, baby.
I like saying, “PBR.” I like how comfortable it feels in my hands and at a bowling alley. I like the fact that, if I pop one open at night and forget to finish it, I can put it in my dog’s water bowl in the morning and let him finish it.
It was the beer of choice for the surgeons in the 1970 movie “M*A*S*H.”
Does Budweiser have a blue ribbon? No. Pabst Blue Ribbon used to kick Bud’s butt — PBR even won the blue ribbon for best beer at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893.
Sure, you say, times have changed since 1893. You’re right — THEY’VE GOTTEN WORSE. So let’s go back to a simpler, saner America, where we all sat on the front of the porch instead of in front of a TV, where we once could chew the fat amiably and chew a blade of grass, where Pabst literally used to wrap a blue ribbon around the neck of its bottles.
Replies HSCS, “Chad dumped his old beer because Anheuser-Busch bought and now produces it, then picks a piss brewed by Miller? I could rip his readers’ unrefined suggestions too, but at least no one is pimping the fascist froth that oozes from the Rocky Mountains.”
“Heineken? Fuck that shit. Pabst Blue Ribbon!”
Apologies to David Lynch.
I just wanted to pimp Genesse.
Yuengling is not only brewed by this grand land’s oldest brewery but it beats PBR and Bud by miles. I’m talkin’ Secretariat winning the Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths.
Genny Cream Ale is a sweet second.
Damn, you fellers really like your Genesee. Drink a quaffer brewed by Unibroue and you’ll regret being a Genny drinker.
We’re talkin’ ‘MERICAN beers here, son. If y’ gotta spend more than $7 on a six-pack, yr’ a dingdang COMMIE!
(But if someone hands me an Ommengang, I’ll gladly accept it.)
who the fuck cares what norman chad drinks? i hope he chooses drano.