Wow, one day in and Dejuiced is already being denounced by Henry Abbott as a “Deadspin copy-cat.” As if the Dave Barry-meets-MAD TV musings of the Screech were an original style worth biting.

Then again, with the obligatory Mrs. Lima Time pic starting things off, Henry might have a point.

Still, greatness often rises from humble beginings. Much the way Will’s early scribblings about his eating disorders and penis malfunctions would someday lay the seeds for America’s Most Popular Sportsblog (For People Who Dislike Reading), I have high hopes for Dejuiced. If Al Bianchi can put a miserable tenure as Knicks GM behind him, who am I to hold a grudge? Sure, at first glance, it sucks worse than Loverboy at the Illinois State Fair, but surely 2 or 3 of you remember the very first CSTB entry?

Granted, it wasn’t a blog posting, per se, but my attempts to form an online club of guys into “uniforms and cigars” seemed to only attract persons who wondered if Bryan Cox’s suits were custom made or straight off the rack. Sometimes you’ve gotta go with what the public wants. Leitch and Denton figured that out a long time ago, and I have no doubt Bianchi is up to the challenge…of making us wish Sports Frog was someone’s full-time job.

(DISCLAIMER : your author, having reviewed the prospectus for Rebuilding Year, is now heavily invested in paint thinner. Lots and lots of paint thinner.)