Who’d have thought Darvin Ham’s tenure with the Talk ‘N Text Phone Pals of the Phillipine Basketball Association would’ve ended in tears? From the Phillipine Daily Inquirer :
Ham, highly touted before actually slipping into a uniform and playing here for the Talk ‘N Text Phone Pals, had it worse. He played three games, the Phone Pals were eliminated and he felt that he became a target in the league.
He said in the Times article that playing in the PBA was like “‘hooping in handcuffs’ because he had jet lag and he was unfamiliar with his teammates and persecuted by referees.”
“They try to put the pressure on the import,” Ham said. “It’s a team sport. Everyone should be held accountable. I think the imports suffer for the lack of performance the [locals] might put out.”
Worse, Ham felt slighted at being described as a “no extraordinary player” in the PBA website.
“I averaged a double-double over here with like 16 and 12,” he said, referring to points and rebounds. “These articles the PBA is putting online are like propaganda.”
Awesome reportagerepostage!!! More on Darvin in Philip’s Pena~