John Molori’s Mediablitz, one of the finer blogs to be named after a Germs song, examines the circumstances behind Ted Sarandis’ departure from WEEI.

Sarandis™ old school manner never quite fit with the WEEI™s popular brand of œin your face radio, most prevalent on œDennis and Callahan and œThe Big Show. In addition, Sarandis engaged in little of the self-promoting banter that fills much of WEEI™s program lineup. Indeed, when a œTed Nation caller mentioned another WEEI show or personality, Sarandis bristled at the reference.

The fact is that Sarandis was working without a contract at WEEI and was the lowest paid of WEEI™s regular hosts. In addition, while guests on other WEEI programs are paid $50.00 an hour or more, Sarandis™ guests went home with what have come to be known as œTeddy Twenties, gift certificates to a variety of area restaurants.

Many of Sarandis™ WEEI colleagues regularly gibed his work and personality on the air. Sarandis sound bites are used as fodder for fellow hosts and he had undeservedly become the butt of jokes, specifically on Glenn Ordway™s afternoon drive time œBig Show.