Hall Of Fame Yankee shortstop and lengendary master of the malaprop Phil Rizzuto has passed away at the age of 88. While I’ve been unsuccessful in finding Phil’s spot for YooHoo on YouTube, the above clip will have to suffice.
Hall Of Fame Yankee shortstop and lengendary master of the malaprop Phil Rizzuto has passed away at the age of 88. While I’ve been unsuccessful in finding Phil’s spot for YooHoo on YouTube, the above clip will have to suffice.
The Scooter was subprime before subprime was cool, and then uncool again.
So did Rizzuto coin “holy cow” before Harry Caray mumbled it after vomiting on Jimmy Piersall? I want to get their legacies straight, and a definitive answer could help prevent the impending fistfight between Billy Crystal and Chip Caray.
I believe Harry was using it before the Scooter’s broadcast career began.
I had a Money Store ad up on GooTube before my last account got taken down. Gotta get that back up…
That 7.5 pa-cent was the classic rate. I remember it went down to 6 and three quartaz pa-cent. And was as high as 9 anna quarta. I’m proud to say I still don’t know what these numbers mean. I still think it was just a store you could walk into and buy money. With other money.
You bozos are missing out on the over-eulogizing provided to us by the YES network. It’s pretty awesome. Every single play reminds one of the broadcasters of something that Phil Rizzuto did.