Speaking of taking the low road (again), on a Friday morning when by all rights, Golden State’s biggest achievement in eons oughta command full attention —- Thursday night in Oakland might’ve been the 2nd most embarrassing moment of Dirk’s life (well, ok, maybe the 3rd) — I’ll instead turn my attention to the musings of a recently disgraced former Warrior great.

I can’t vouch for the timing of the above clip — the source claims it was “after the gay remarks” — but You Been Blinded’s HG (who helpfully has been passing the link along) observes,

How high on the irony scale does an admitted homophobe giving another man fashion tips rank? And Tim™s dressed like a candy cane running around South Beach.. Whatever œCrossover guy¦ I think I™m gonna go watch American Beauty.

I dunno. Timmy might have a point about Iverson’s earning potential.  And having heard Boomer Esiason in Don Imus’ old WFAN slot this morning (highlight : Boomer doing an acapella rendition of Kurtis Blow’s “The Breaks” after hearing the news of Busta Rymes’ latest brush with the law), surely I’m not alone in thinking Hardaway’s next crossover might be a gig as a morning radio host?