Every now and then, I’m asked why I don’t deviate from formula and use CSTB as a way of chronicling the important events of my day, of sharing my innermost thoughts with you lucky people.
This answers to this question, are pretty fucking obvious, but since many of you attended state colleges and universities, I’ll spell it out for you just the same.
1) There are no important events in my typical day. Sure, I could waste your time and precious bandwidth with the mundane details of some vocational hassle, a crude tidbit or twenty about a sickening entertainment industry encounter, but really, why would you want that kind of thing when you can catch up on thrilling stuff like this?
2) I have no original thoughts to convey whatsoever. Once upon a time, perhaps, but one of the (few) benefits of reduced THC consumption and/or no longer being surrounded by sycophants is learning that not every thought that pops into one’s skull oughta be documented and shared with the world.
That said, I’m happy to live vicariously through the exploits and excesses of others. One of the (few) benefits of spending lots of time in airport terminals is that all social graces and sense of personal space have been flushed down the toilet. I’m not bemoaning this fact —- I’m already on record as saying those who complain about other people’s cell phone calls oughta find another atrocity to complain about. And if all overheard conversations were nearly as hot as the one I listened in on this afternoon, well, I might never go home.
“Look, we’re not the police department. We’re not the fire department. That sort of thing is really none of our business until someone sues”
“Did you hear what I said? Do I have to fucking repeat myself? We’re not the fucking police department. We’ve got a job to do and I expect you to do it and leave the law enforcement to the professionals. ”
(for christ’s sake, don’t make him come back to the office and speak to you in person)
“Let’s get back to the real point here. Are you happy that Sharon doesn’t know what she is doing? Does it bother you at all that we’re paying $450 in finance charges because she can’t do her job? It should bother you. It bothers me. It bothers me that I have to explain this to you over and over again.
“So you’re saying that if I’m not physically in the office, I don’t have a right to complain about this stuff? Please tell that isn’t what you’re saying, ’cause I can find someone else who will give me a better answer.”