(Wayland’s Matt St. Jean and Tony Torres, shown brutalizing traditional rivals, Weston, and greasing the skids for a gross misuse of public dough)

It’s been 31 long years since Wayland (MA) High School saw their football team advance to an E. Massachusetts Super Bowl, and later today, the Warriors will take on Marshfield in the Division 1A championship at Quincy’s Veterans Stadium.

This auspicious day will bring great joy and excitement to the lives of many of my former friends and neighbors (well, the ones who are still alive, anyway).  I wish the squad, their families and rooters a successful afternoon, despite the fact the town just earmarked $300,000 in Community Preservation Act funding to build a new football field.

Though I can’t find anything in the Massachusettes Community Preservation Act that precludes such use, surely there are better ways of spending the money.  A 30 foot statue of me, for instance.  Or perhaps, a major review of the school curriculum that would ensure the town has more to crow about than a goddman high school football title.