What’s the best way for the American Association’s St. Paul Saints to follow Larry Craig Bobblefoot Night? If you answered “a Jumping Jim Brunzell Lookalike Contest”, you’re dead wrong, as the following item from the AP illustrates :

It’s not “Purple Rain” but a “Purple Game” tonight as the St. Paul Saints celebrate Prince’s 50th birthday.

A cover band will play some of Prince’s hits as fans walk through the gates at Midway Stadium. The Saints will wear purple jerseys, and instead of numbers on their uniforms, the Saints will have symbols — just like Prince did when he went by a symbol instead of a name.

Fans are encouraged to wear some of the more outrageous outfits the Minneapolis-born rocker has worn over his career. And fans also will have a chance to win what’s described as a really little red Corvette.

Surely an ensemble like the one modeled above is the kind of thing you’d see at most indie league ballgames anyway?