From the MySpace blog of a person whose unique writing style you may or may not recognize.
There’s a guy who runs a sports blog that’s made fun of so much I actually feel sorry for the guy. Yet, in the past, he’s attacked me for my views on issues of race. This is a white man attacking a Native American over race. It’s fine. He has a right.
I decided to let it go until he ramped it up again. Now, I’ve had enough. I’ve tried the sarcasm, humor, and every other method utilized to push away a man with a chip on his shoulder because his dick is small and he wears black rimmed glasses.
Let’s back up a minute. My “attacking (you) for (your) views on race” began when you chose to illustrate a negative item about Stephen A. Smith with a blackface pic. As far as being a Native American is concerned, what does that have to do with anything? Or should Native Americans be exempt from criticism if they turn out to be meatheads? Of course, there’s zero chance the man who wrote of Darrent Williams’ shooting, “Denver authorities are working on leads but thus far have come up with nothing. We suggest they start looking for people who have guns, wear gold chains, and sport colors.” has any peculiar hang-ups about race.
Indeed, I wear spectacles. Since 156 million Americans do the same, either full or part time, I’m not sure how this qualifies as either satire or taking off the gloves, but if that’s the best you can do, I doubt anyone is surprised.
As far as my having a small dick is concerned, I must confess, you’ve got me on that one. Though I’m disappointed you failed to compare mine to Will Leitch’s in terms of length, girth, taste, etc.
That’s not to say I’m not reeling from the knockout blow of being called “a complete pussy” (is this guy the second coming of Oscar Wilde or what?) by someone who hides behind a shield of anonymity. Say what you will about Stephen A., Scoop Jackson, etc., but at least they have the courage of their convictions to sign their names.
As far as I can tell, this joker might be in Vancouver, Canada. I say ‘might’ because I’m not positive.
who fucking knows with this guy. He’s supposed to be from New Jersey, but considering his credibility on everything else, he could be from Vancouver or Mars.
anyhow, considering he’s so quick to call me a pussy (presumably he picked up this kinda lingo during his time at M.I.T.), it’s kinda funny that his MySpace profile mysteriously disappeared today. Cynics amongst you might suspect he, y’know, pussied out, but I’m sure there’s a more reasonable explanation. Perhaps NewsCorp shut him down as their servers couldn’t handle the deluge of traffic from persons eager to gaze at his 6′ 3″, bodybuilder frame. Or, it might be just another case of a Native American being royally fucked over.
Either way, it’s a shame. Social networking will never be the same.
Our pal shows himself to be an all-purpose lame unimaginative stereotyper with his comments in regards to Nick Saban becoming Alabama’s head coach.
Quote: “Alabama fans are more excited than last year when most of the state got indoor plumbing”. Man, is this guy a card, or what?
ahhh, not so fast. Not only is his deeply provocative myspace profile up and running again, but he’s managed to go from being 37 to 36 to 35 years of age in the space of 3 days. And there I was, doubting he was a scientist!
anyhow, he claims he’s now receiving advice from “people who make a living from blogging.” Presumably, these are the same experts that told him he oughta change his blog’s template more often than he amends a fake GF’s profile. Genuine badass physicists only have so many hours in the day, so time-management must be CRUCIAL.