Fightin’ Phil, in Friday’s New York Post :

Our prisons are overflowing with gang members, gangsta rappers are daily being shot dead in the streets, the media continues to mindlessly pander to a hateful, violent and criminal gang culture that lays us all low . . .

. . . and on a Sunday night Fox opens Game 2 of the World Series with a partial number by Eminem and 50 Cent, a number that in full includes unprintable vulgarities, glorified references to weapons and shootouts, the word “nigga” and the requisite designation of women as “bitches.”

Two weeks earlier, Fox fired Steve Lyons for a perceived ethnic crack.

Yesterday must’ve been a slow day in gangtsa rapper-land as I’ve not found any mention of their ranks being shot in the streets. Still, I can’t deny Phil’s got a sharp ear ; “You Don’t Know” does include the Lloyd Banks boast, “I’m a walking bitch magnet.” And with that in mind, perhaps Jon Fine and Sooyung Park have squandered any chance of a pregame World Series appearance.