Not to put myself on too high a pedestal, but I tend to think of this program as a public service (you’re welcome). And I’m sure many of you have been wondering, “is it possible to fully comprehend the plot twists and intricate character studies of ‘The Equalizer 3’ if I’ve not seen ‘The Equalizer 2′?” Well, i think that is a very fair question and it poses even more questions. For instance, presumably things were equalized at the conclusion of “The Equalizer”, then thrown into a state of unequality following “The Equalizer 2”. Without giving away the twist ending, I’m here to assure you that with the resolution of “The Equalizer 3”, once again, we have achieved EQUALITY. And by we, I of course mean fictitious persons in a made-up world. Here back on earth, the boot remains on the neck of those opposed and anyone daring to stand up for them will continue to be gaslit, slurred or much, much worse. ??

Fun (?) fact : a ways back Denzel was top billed in a not so wonderful star vehicle called “Man On Fire”, and no one questioned his or the filmmakers’ mental health. As though some of you assholes have ever cared about the mental health of anyone besides yourself.

(DISCLAIMER : there’s a lot of talk on this show about a Bill Nace gig taking place on Friday, “Leap Day”. Leap Day is of course, tomorrow, Thursday. I contemplated re-recording the entire episode or perhaps just editing that portion but later decided if you cannot be bothered to consult a calendar and instead rely on me for that stuff, you deserve whatever disappointment in life that’s coming your way).

Container – Eraser
Dub Syndicate – HiFi Gets A Pounding, Pts 1 & 2
M. Quake – Annie U R A Bird (ft. Jonnie)
DUNUMS – Nothing To Declare ?France – Occitanie Part 1
France – Occitanie Part 1
Ex-Easter Island Head – Norther
Bill Nace & Jon Collin – Philadelphia, April 14, 2019
Tristian Perich – Parallels
Mint Mile – Empty Island
Carla Dal Forno – Push On