good morning dear friends. If you’re like me, your social media has been chock-a-block with stories concerning a regional tech/influencer convention “reducing their footprint” in coming years and there’s no shortage of misinformed, self-styled experts willing to declare the entire endeavor deader than Deadsy. To which I say, PISH FUCKIN’ POSH. Did Tom Vu throw in the towel the first time he had a poor turnout at the Best Western? Did Marshall Applewhite take his ball and go home the first time he failed to fill a room? And if he did, is there such thing as an official mass suicide ball (signed by Bowie Kuhn)?
Without even making a Dr. Gene Scott analogy, if there’s one thing I’m overly confident about (other than thinking anyone wants to hear this show) is that the next generation of grifters and narcissists will continue to find an audience, even if they have to lay low for a year or 3. Goodbye Austin Convention Center, HELLO KICK BUTT COFFEE.
(above : likely location for platinum pass pickup in 2026)
Watery Love – A Condom
Golumb – Take My Life
Weak Signal – Songworld
Russell Walker – I Love My Soaps
Waraq – Having Fun With Waraq
Mark Stewart – As The Veneer Of Democracy Starts To Fade
Shit and Shine – Mannheim HBF
Russell Haswell – Fractured Bones
DJ Skull Vomit – Concussion Discussion
DJ Narciso – Jogo
Section 25 – Looking From A Hilltop
Vanessa Rossetto – Battle Of The Network Stars
Eraser – Trans Air Force 2
Bobby Would – Caput Mortuum
Coffin Prick – Shortly Forgotten Pleasure
Leopardo – Final Landslide
Attorneys General – Side B, ‘Live In Brooklyn;
Suss – Migration
Nakibembe Embaire Group – Abe Nakibembe Mwaye Ga, Embaire