Admittedly, the above headline pales in comparison to “No Plan To Ax Lax Plax”. The New York Daily News’ Ralph Vacchiano on Giants WR Palixco Buress, a no-show for the team’s season-ending meeting Monday morning.

Burress, 27, put up big numbers in his first season with the Giants, catching 76 passes for 1,214yards and seven touchdowns. But he faded badly down the stretch with just 16 catches in the last six games, including none in the 23-0 loss to Carolina. And his frustration was clear throughout the game with the way he’d flail his arms when he and Eli Manning didn’t connect.

That frustration was also evident off the field during the last month. In late December, Burress was critical of the Giants’ play-calling for not taking enough shots downfield in the passing game. And when he was asked about Manning’s ability to throw those deep passes, he said, “I don’t want to really get into that” rather than offering the young quarterback his support.

There was also a report that he refused to join the rest of his teammates in a postgame huddle in the locker room after the Giants’ loss in Washington on Christmas Eve. And in September, he was benched for the first quarter of the loss in San Diego after being late for two meetings that week.

Head Coach Tom Coughlin was not asked about Burress’ problems during his season-ending press conference on Monday. However, during his weekly spot on WFAN that day, he was asked about Burress needing “an attitude adjustment.”

Coughlin responded by saying, “We’re addressing some of those things.”

“That’s Tom’s domain,” GM Ernie Accorsi said. “I don’t want to get into that. I have to allow Tom to take care of the locker room.”

Accorsi did say that he did not believe Burress’ troubles or his disappearance on Monday had anything to do with wanting a new contract. He has five years left on his six-year, $25 million deal. But his agent is Drew Rosenhaus, the man who sent the Philadelphia Eagles into chaos by demanding to redo Terrell Owens’ contract after just one season

“That never came up,” Accorsi said. “And I don’t have a problem with Rosenhaus. One thing about Drew Rosenhaus, if there’s a contract issue, you don’t find out by innuendo. There’s never anything cute about how he asks for money. He picks up the phone and asks for it.”