The Chicago Tribune’s Ellen Warren had the good fortune this Super Bowl week of attending a press conference held by a former member of Attila. (link courtesy Scott Comeau)

“The crabby Billy Joel (above, right) told reporters that singing of the national anthem is kind of a slog.

“It’s not the greatest song ever written,” he said, complaining he shoudn’t have to meet with reporters at a Thursday press conference, as required by the NFL.

“I’m just doin’ the anthem period. I ain’t doin’ the half-time show. Prince is doing that.”

Joel dissed the national anthem, saying “‘America the Beautiful’ is actually a better song.” And when a reporter for WBBM-Radio asked Joel to sing a “Chicago song” at the news conference, Joel snidely refused.

“Nah, I’m just giving a press conference. I’m not here to entertain anybody.”

It’s a shame too, as I’m sure Chuck Klosterman can confirm that Billy does a mean version of the Mentally Ill’s “Gacy’s Place” after he’s had a few.