“It’s two years since he played his last game, and if there was any chance he’d be back in a major-league uniform, it would have happened by now.”  So spoke agent Jeff Borris, as quoted by  The SF Chronicle’s John Shea, confirming what everyone has known for sometime —- Barry Bonds,  baseball’s all-time HR king and one of the more polarizing figures in American sports (assuming you can find anyone who likes him), has played his last game.

“I’m sure if they gave him two weeks in a cage, he’d be hitting amongst the best in the game right now,” Borris said. “But Major League Baseball will never give him that chance.”

Borris wouldn’t address a possible collusion case against MLB, but the players’ union continues to consider it.

In 23 seasons, Bonds had 762 homers, 1,996 RBIs and a .444 on-base percentage.

“If they would have let Barry play baseball until his on-base percentage dropped below .400, he probably would’ve been playing until he was 56,” Borris said.