Though the American Association’s St. Paul Saints – whose ownership group includes “Disco Demolition” night pioneer Mike Veeck and occasional thespian Bill Murray – are no stranger to unusual promotions (eg. 2008’s Sen. Larry Craig Bobblefoot), August 9th’s event is in somewhat stark contrast to the Faith Nights presented at minor and major league parks around the country. As City Pages’ Aaron Rupar explains, on Saturday, August 9 when hosting the Sioux City Explorers, the Saints will tell religion to take a hike.

That night’s game at Midway Stadium is sponsored by the Minnesota Atheists, so the Saints will drop the “S” from their jerseys and signs around Midway Stadium, thereby becoming the St. Paul Aints.

The players’ jerseys will later be auctioned, with some of the proceeds going to the Family Place Shelter in St. Paul, a local shelter where Minnesota Atheists volunteers prepare monthly dinners for families in need. So you see, they’re not all Godless jerks.

The next day, the Minnesota Atheists are hosting an American Atheists regional conference at the Ramada Plaza in Minneapolis.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for atheists to share our light-hearted, friendly nature,” Eric Jayne, president of Minnesota Atheists, said in a press release. “As a baseball fan and a local atheist leader, I am excited to partner with the St. Paul Saints in our efforts to increase atheist camaraderie and dispel negative stereotypes about atheists in the public eye.”