Print is dead? Not, apparently, to Guy Morris, who at least you can’t accuse of failing upwards. The former Kentucky and Baylor coach is now at Texas A&M University-Commerce, which I guess is where the kids who aren’t good enough to play at Texas A&M-Kingsville go. From The Battalion, via Romenesko:
Texas A&M University-Commerce football Head Coach Guy Morris admitted to police that his team was responsible for the removal of student newspapers distributed on campus Wednesday.
The East Texan published a story on Wednesday titled œFootball Player Arrested in Drug Bust.
Lt. Jason Bone, crime information officer, later interviewed Morris, who admitted to his team members™ involvement in the theft and said he supported their actions.
œI am proud of my players for doing that, Morris said. œThis was the best team building exercise we have ever done.…
According to Bone™s police report, Athletic Director Carlton Cooper said the football team could not have stolen the papers without the aid of outside help.
œI don™t think they are smart enough to do this on their own, he said.
Nor smart enough to realize there’s an Internet.
I am a current student at Texas A&M-Commerce and I am appalled at this. I can’t believe that the press is now in danger in this school. I am curious and waiting for the investigation to get under way, but there is video evidence of the players stealing the papers and then the head coach endorses it! Idiotic!